The R&D team of Tugayhan Machinery attends leading exhibitions and seminars both domestically and overseas, and follows the latest technology very closely.
The team also conducts activities to adapt such technologies into our machinery and plays an active role in developing new models.
R&D spends tedious efforts to come up with better cutting methods as a result of careful analyses.
The P&D team of Tugayhan Machinery checks quality and standards at each phase of production. The team makes sure that production gets better by analyzing all customer feedbacks.
The company offers fiber laser technical service.
Moreover, our technicians are expert in fiber cable replacement, laser source (resonator) repair as well as cutting head optics replacement.
The company works with 3 different suppliers to offer the most convenient option for industrialists. Equipped with diverse specifications, these Laser Resonators are assessed based on each task and installed in our machinery.
We have been working with Raycus since 2015. - IPG - GERMANY IPG is the most famous rasonatör brand and our second supplier for resonator.
We have been working with Nlight since 2017. - COHERENT/ROFIN – GERMANY
We continue negotiations for 2019.
شركتنا تقدم خدمة الصيانة التقنية لليزرالألياف.
وأيضا تقنيينا هم خبراء في تبديل كوابل الألياف،
تصليح مصدر الليزر (الرنان)،
وفي تبديل بصرية رأس القطع (العدسة)